Saturday, August 30, 2008

Running Out of Time Said My Brain to My Mouth to Your Face

This week has been aweeesome

it's time for Philly Fringe
a 16 day live arts festival! The theater production that I helped out with, Wandering Alice, premiered yesterday, but i got a sneak peak Thursday night with all the other people that helped with the show.
The most amazing piece of theater I have seen yet.
And the creator, Nichole Canuso, is a dancer/actress herself and she's cool as shit.

I've also been painting a lot, finishing up some stuff i began back at home. Mostly on paper and corkboard. I finished Dawn's portrait of her dog Coconut as well. First finished piece i've done in oils since i graduated! I'm making milestones here people.

also, my Financial Aid came in so some pressure is off as far as money goes, and Paul Baldwin wrote me a letter! Gotta go write him back.

My sis is riding up to Philly this week, I've got 3 plays lined up, one in a skateboarding park, and 2 others, Killer Bass and Wawapalooza! and a Summerbirds in the Cellar concert!

and I'm going to the Mutter Museum tomorrow! Weird scientific phenomenas, in jars!

later on suckaas

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