Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Christmas consists of:

Cool grandparents who actually have a greater sense of humor than I thought,

2 of the coolest little cousins a 24 year old cynic could ever have,

a sister who smokes too much,

a 3 year old yelling "POOP" for 20 minutes,

and this Hannah Montana wannabe who kept taking pictures because I was taking pictures.

I'd say it's been a pretty sweet holiday.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas is Over and Santa Hates You

i did pretty well
clothes and DVDs and albums

Next Up is New Years:
Neil and Meredith's

and my reply:

theres nothing to do at work
and everyone of my family members are hanging out all day.
Son of a Fuck.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Museum Studies and Nerds

busy day
spent all morning getting all my graduate school applications in order/requesting transcripts/started writing my Statement of Purpose, etc.

Then my family from VA got here and i didnt do shit.

except this:

and this:

And this painting for my sister as half her Xmas present:

Tomorrow: it's off to see my GreatGrandma, Ruby Pearl.


Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Paaarty

Coworker Portrait is completed and wrapped and awaiting opening.
Photo of people's reactions to it to follow....

I made some bad-ass Apple and Bread Pudding for the luncheon deal, and drew Santa Claus smuggling penguins into our conference room.

But for now I'm listening to lucero and radiohead and moving houses.
I can make houses move with my pointer finger.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Holy Mother of Mucha

this girl outshines every mucha homage i've ever seen
including my own.

it like Art Nouveau meets Creepy meets Woodgrain and it's pretty much where my art work should have been, but now can't be, because she thought of it first.

She is my antithesis as well as my favorite.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Somewhere There's a Better Part of Me

but it didn;t come out when i needed it.

GREs kicked my ass. The math anyway.
and then the one person i wanted to answer his phone didn't.

December 15th 2007 gets a thumbs down.
From me and this guy

you can tell he's pretty pissed about GRE scores too.
He didnt pass them either.
And that's why he's selling pants.

Gap, here I come.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Wish I Wasn't Scared of Everything

if i wasn't, i woudl actually take this going to grad school in Europe idea seriously.
but I'm terrified and elated at the same time about the same thing.
theres a word for that. Ambivalent.

maybe a gradual introduction to over seas is what I need.
but no tuition sounds awesome.
but a foreign land where I know no one.....


FUCK what is going oooonnnnnnnn

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Coconut Flavoured Biscuits

There are some dumbshit people working in my department.
Elitist, egocentric bullies who don't know when enough is enough.

When all you do is complain and STILL don't do your job, shouldn't you realize you're being a jerk?

Why don't people realize it when they're being mean?

OOOhhh balls
I'm ready to leave.

I will leave you all with this:

I got it from
I should probably give the artist's name.
I'll look for it later

Monday, December 10, 2007

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close...

...i need to finish reading that after I finish World War Z (thanks StuJuice) i only have about 30 pages left.

Today was good.
busy. car ads and webbanners.
time flew.
and I drew Erin a shoe.

here's a little nod to my friends Danny and Cameron
we call this: "How's that Taint Going???"

And here's the latest on my Coworkers portrait, a Christmas gift to the Creative Services/Sales Reps.

That is all for now.

It's time to make some motherfuckin HotDog Piiiiizzzaaaaaaaaaa

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Mission Hermit

well i've successfully ignored everyone for a few days.

Much needed though. i put in a lot of hours on 2 paintings, studied a bit for the GREs, ate way too much food, pre-watched DVDs that i bought for other people, finished up some christmas shopping, took dumb photos of myself and my dumb new lion slippers and wore the same shirt and pants for 3 days.

Kudos me.

I've never been so glad to see Monday roll around.

After the GREs on the 15th, I can finally let my hair down. I feel obligated to stay at home, at least to say i was studying.....which i'm not.....i'm watching America's Next Top Model re-runs.

Lord help me.