Saturday, August 30, 2008

Running Out of Time Said My Brain to My Mouth to Your Face

This week has been aweeesome

it's time for Philly Fringe
a 16 day live arts festival! The theater production that I helped out with, Wandering Alice, premiered yesterday, but i got a sneak peak Thursday night with all the other people that helped with the show.
The most amazing piece of theater I have seen yet.
And the creator, Nichole Canuso, is a dancer/actress herself and she's cool as shit.

I've also been painting a lot, finishing up some stuff i began back at home. Mostly on paper and corkboard. I finished Dawn's portrait of her dog Coconut as well. First finished piece i've done in oils since i graduated! I'm making milestones here people.

also, my Financial Aid came in so some pressure is off as far as money goes, and Paul Baldwin wrote me a letter! Gotta go write him back.

My sis is riding up to Philly this week, I've got 3 plays lined up, one in a skateboarding park, and 2 others, Killer Bass and Wawapalooza! and a Summerbirds in the Cellar concert!

and I'm going to the Mutter Museum tomorrow! Weird scientific phenomenas, in jars!

later on suckaas

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm Disappointed!

in myself mostly.
I should be outside, finding things about this city that i can love, or grow to love, and i'm not.
I'm sitting in front of my computers, waiting for my job to send me work to design.
I wish introverts could just decide one day that they've had enough and turn a complete 180.
That sounds like i'm giving my behavior an excuse.
I promised myself that i would go out everyday and find something, some place new.
Call it nesting or fear of the unknown or whatever.
I get out everyday, just to places I've already been. Atleast I have some sort of comfort level here. My first week by myself I had none.
I wish i didn't take me so long to adapt.
If this were a test I think i'd be close to an F. Not completely failing, but one of those procrastinating slackshits that i hated so much when i was in school who would pull through at the last moment, but with no real goals, no vision.
I keep telling myself that i need to be sitting in front of my computers, the more i'm here, the more work I'll get to do, and the more i can actually go out and spend money.
I'm making money my excuse now.

Theres too many reasons. Too many reasons to not and too many reasons to.
And i'm sick of myself, that i can't pick one to go on and say fuck the rest.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I'm ALive!

and living in Philadelphia, PA ya'll. (no, i don't use that expression up here)

it's taken 2 weeks to get internet (one week of that was my fault, the second week just b/c it takes a week to get anything done in a big fucking city)

I'm getting over a cold that kept me inside and bored all week, so this weekend it's on! I'm helping out with some local theater, working with the set/tech designers to get the show arollin'--free tickets to the show and actual human contact....sounds good to me.

I'm also still working with the Daily Reflector, doing freelance to help with the transition from Gville, NC to Philly--until they find a new hire or until i find a real job up here.

i miss everyone! heres pictures of my apartment --for those i haven't emailed it to, which isn't likely, b/c i am an email whore.

and finally - somewhere i can log onto (b/c hot, rich people really have to use the internet to find someone) and know i'm not talking to a complete troll: