Saturday, April 4, 2009

Arts Advocacy Day 2009

Along with my fellow Arts Administration colleagues, we ruled Capitol Hill!

500+ Arts leaders showed up for the American's for the Art's 22nd Annual Arts Advocacy Day.
Pennsylvania representatives were in high numbers, with Drexel students, of course, Arts Management students from Carnegie Melon in Pittsburg, most of the staff of the Philadelphia cultural Alliance and more.

The night before Capitol Hill, the nation's arts leaders witnessed the most amazing speech/spoken word/jazz performance ever given. Wynton Marsalis delivered a passionate call for action that had the entire Kennedy Center in tears and on their feet. In my opinion, the speech seamlessly articulated why people enter the arts, why they stay in the arts and why they fight for the arts.

On the Hill, I met with Senator Spector, as well as House of Representatives Charles Dent and Allyson Schwartz. They are all arts policy supporters, so my job wasn't too difficult.

Onwards and upwards! I will be running for Arts Advocacy Coordinator on the AAGA Board this year, and after that, hopefully be sitting at the North Carolina table at all future Arts Advocacy Days :)

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